How to Build a Healthy Smoothie from the Bottom Up

how to build a healthy smoothie from the bottom up

How to build a better smoothie

The question of whether or not smoothies are healthy has been bandied about a lot. In fact, we’ve discussed it before on this blog, but we wanted to take a deeper dive into what makes a smoothie healthy. And a huge part of what makes a smoothie healthy starts with the base.

Key Takeways

  • Smoothies are always healthier for every people. When you take healthy smoothies for breakfast or lunch then you can sort them for different bases
  • Fruit juice is the classic smoothie base, and for good reason­­-it is very tasty, and the flavors usually blend well with the other smoothie ingredients
  • Water is not a bad option in terms of making the smoothie healthier. Water is hydrating and of course, has absolutely no calories
  • Almond milk has risen in popularity in recent years, and for good reason: it has a nice, light flavor, mild creaminess, and protein.

While fruits and veggies are great, most smoothies also have some kind of liquid base that allows everything to be blended together and drinkable, and this is where a lot of hidden calories and sugars can sneak in.

To learn how to build a better smoothie, it’s crucial to choose your liquid base wisely. Opting for low-calorie, low-sugar options like water, unsweetened almond milk, or coconut water can significantly reduce the overall calorie and sugar content of your smoothie. This choice is especially important for those monitoring their sugar intake or looking to lose weight.

Additionally, incorporating a balance of protein and healthy fats can transform your smoothie from a simple drink into a more satisfying meal. Adding ingredients like Greek yogurt, protein powder, avocado, or nut butters not only enhances the texture and flavor but also contributes to a feeling of fullness, helping to curb hunger and provide sustained energy.

By carefully selecting each component, you can create a smoothie that is both delicious and nutritionally balanced, aligning with your health goals.

how to build a better smoothie

What you need to make healthy smoothies

Smoothies are always healthier for every people. When you take healthy smoothies for breakfast or lunch then you can sort them for different bases.

Fruit smoothies contain different kinds of fruits and tastes. Fruit smoothies are made with banana, mango, strawberry, coconut water, berry, mixed berry, and different fruits that contain vitamin c, vitamins a, and other natural resources.

Fruit smoothies are different in taste. Like carrot smoothie contains natural sugar and it tastes sweet. On the other hand, turmeric smoothie does not have a lot of sweetness.

Green smoothies are also very much nutritious and make with green fruits and green vegetables. Recipe of green smoothies emphasis on green sources with yogurt, Greek yogurt, almond butter, chia seed, coconut milk, nut butter, protein powder other sources that contain healthy fat.

Healthy recipes of smoothie bowls can provide you with the best breakfast smoothies, lunch, or dinner.

Although all smoothie bowl is made with different bases of ingredients but all contain fresh fruit, healthy fat, fiber. The Smoothie recipe does not contain any kind of frozen fruit, jelly smoothie, added sugar, or any artificial stuff.

So, we are going to walk you through all of the possible smoothie bases and break down the pros and cons of each one, and which leads to the healthiest smoothie.

Understanding how to build a better smoothie involves not just selecting the right ingredients but also balancing them for optimal nutrition. When choosing fruits for your smoothie, consider their glycemic index and sugar content.

Mixing high and low glycemic fruits can help manage blood sugar levels. For instance, pairing a banana with lower-sugar berries can create a balanced taste without excessive sugar.

Additionally, incorporating vegetables, such as spinach or kale, can increase the nutrient density without significantly altering the flavor. To boost the protein content, consider adding plant-based protein powders, hemp seeds, or Greek yogurt, which can make your smoothie more filling and satisfying. For healthy fats, avocados or nut butters not only add creaminess but also provide essential fatty acids beneficial for heart health.

By thoughtfully combining these elements, you can create a smoothie that is not only delicious but also nutritionally complete, catering to various health needs and dietary preferences.

Fruit Juice

Fruit juice is the classic smoothie base, and for good reason­­-it is very tasty, and the flavors usually blend well with the other smoothie ingredients. Fruit juice is a quick way to brighten up the flavor of any smoothie.

Especially if you want to add a ton of veggies into the drink and want to mask the taste of the bitter greens. But the problem with fruit juice is that it usually packs a lot of sugar.

This is especially true if you’re using juice from concentrate instead of cold-pressed juice. Fruit juice is usually best consumed in very small amounts, around 4 ounces, and when you’re adding it to a smoothie, you’re most likely doubling (if not tripling) the recommended serving. It is usually better to just stick to good old whole fruits to get that yummy fruity flavor in the smoothie.


Water is not a bad option in terms of making the smoothie healthier. Water is hydrating and of course, has absolutely no calories. But it also doesn’t add any nutritional value beyond hydration, and can, well, water down the smoothie. You will most likely notice that the flavor suffers a bit if you use solely water as your smoothie base, so we don’t necessarily recommend this unless you want to dilute the taste a bit.


Yogurt can be a fantastic smoothie base for a few reasons: it adds some protein and thickness which can make the smoothie creamier and more filling, the tangy flavor adds richness to the drink, and good, fresh yogurt contains probiotics, which are great for gut health. There are two things to watch out for, however.

One is that you want to make sure there are no added sugars in the yogurt. It is harder and harder these days to find sugar-free, probiotic-filled yogurt, but that is definitely what we would recommend. Two is that it is dairy and can therefore be an allergen for some. It will also have a noticeable effect on the flavor so don’t include it if you don’t like the taste!

Almond Milk

Almond milk has risen in popularity in recent years, and for good reason: it has a nice, light flavor, mild creaminess, and protein. Almond milk provides a nice, neutral smoothie base because you will hardly be able to taste it at all underneath the fruits and veggies, but it is thicker than water. The added protein powder can also be a nice addition to help make the smoothie more filling. Almonds are also filled with heart-healthy fats, which we all need more of. We are big fans of almond milk as a base provided there are no nut allergies.
coconut milk in healthy smoothie

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is similar to almond milk in that it has a light flavor and some thickness which makes it a great option. Coconut milk is a blend of coconut water and coconut cream which gives its flavor profile depth and has a creamy consistency.

Oat Milk

Oat milk is the new plant milk craze hitting the scene, and for good reason­-it is even creamier than almond or soymilk, it is free of allergens such as soy, lactose, or nuts, it is easier to make sustainably, and it has a ton of nutrients. Oats are known as a healthy, filling breakfast option, and while the milk has slightly fewer nutrients than whole oats, it still maintains a lot of these health benefits such as calcium, potassium, and a ton of different vitamins.

It also has a decent helping of protein and fiber. Oat milk does tend to be the highest in calories of all non-dairy milk options, however, so again, this is something to watch out for when building the smoothie. But in terms of flavor, the soft, earthy flavor blends very well with most smoothies!

kombucha as a base in a healthy smoothie


Kombucha, a fermented tea beverage, is another great base for any smoothie. Kombucha comes in a ton of different flavors, but all of them have a tangy effervescence that adds a nice dimension to the smoothie.

And, of course, the number one benefit is the huge hit of probiotics in kombucha. If you are looking to improve digestion and gut health, using kombucha as the base of your smoothie is a fantastic way to get in another hit of probiotics.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is a delicious way to hydrate with natural electrolytes. Using coconut water as the base of a smoothie will also add a bit of natural sweetness to the drink, so if you’re making a veggie-heavy drink, this can be a great way to cut some of the bitterness of the veggies.

It is much thinner than the non-dairy milk options discussed so you can also probably use less than you would of the others. With coconut milk, you also want to be careful of sugar content as some of them have added sugar, which is wholly unnecessary!

One of the biggest factors that go into the question of “are smoothies healthy?” is the base that you’re using. We hope that this guide will help you to navigate and make the best, healthiest choice for your next drink.

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